Workshop on practical use of local knowledge in NAMMCO and other bodies - 22 February 2021

The workshop was organised by NORDECO as joint event between CAPARDUS and KNAPK (Association of Greenland Fishermen and Hunters ). The context was that in Greenland, the Ministry of Fisheries and Hunting has established the PISUNA (Piniakkanik Sumiiffinni Nalunaarsuineq) programme.  In this programmme experienced fishermen and other resource users systematically document and discuss their observations of the environment and propose management interventions to the authorities. Although the fishermen and resource users spend time and resources on communicating their knowledge and observations of the environment to the government agencies, this information is however often not being used for decision-making. The outcome of the workshop is presented in deliverable D2.1 Dialogue with Greenland actors ( ).  The presentations from the workshop are available below.

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End date