2024-24 May: The CORDIS Results pack on polar regions was published. A CAPARDUS article was published in this thematic collection of EU-funded polar projects. The title of the article is Building community guidelines for the Arctic, and is available at https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/450824-building-community-guidelines-for-the-arctic
2024-29 April: The following CAPARDUS deliverables were published on Zenodo:
2024-25 April: The Final Report on the Svalbard case study 2020-2023 was published on Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11050029
2023-05 October: Project review was completed by approval of all the deliverables by the Commission
2023-19 June: A storymap on highlight activities in Greenland and Svalbard has been prepared by NINA.
2023-08-09 June: Workshop on Practices, Guidelines and Standards connected to Arctic Safety. The workshop was held in Longyearbyen at Polheim and was attended by ca 15 participants. The programme had focus on terrestrial safety on day 1 and maritime safety on day 2.
In Svalbard and other Arctic regions, the increased human activities requires that knowledge about safety is built up and disseminated to people who travel, work or live in these regions. There is a number of research projects addressing risk and safety for terrestrial as well as maritime activities, many of which have focus on the Svalbard region. The Governor provides information on safety measures for tourists and visitors regarding clothes and equipment during field excursions, polarbear protection, weather and snow conditions, and other environmental hazards. At UNIS the Arctic Safety Centre has been established providing research, education and training in Arctic safety topics, because there is a growing demand for knowledge among visitors as well as the local inhabitants.

2023 -20-21 May: Seminar and Final meeting in Nuuk, Greenland. The draft programme for the 2-day event is attached. The seminar took place at University of Greenland's premises and with the title: Inclusion of local knowledge / user knowledge in resource management in Greenland. The second day had focus on presenting results from all workpackages of CAPARDUS.

2023 - 09 March: ISAR-7 conference in Tokyo: A presentation of CAPARDUS was given in the session "Toward sustainable Arctic - developing a network of Arctic researchers and other Arctic stakeholders.

2023 - 23 February: Workshop with focus on Arctic Practice System design. The workshop was an open event during the Arctic Science Summit Week in Vienna, with 12 participants attending in-person. The workshop was led by Annette Breckwoldt, AWI (photo below).

2023 - 07-08 February: Workshop on Practices, Guidelines and Standards in Svalbard tourism development, at Polheim in Longyearbyen. The workshop had focus on practices, guidelines and standards in topics of importance for people living and working in the Arctic. The topics addressed in the project include research activities, protection of nature and culture, shipping, tourism, resource exploitation, data sharing and safety of operations. This workshop addressed especially tourism in Svalbard and how the tourist actors strive to develop a sustainable business and comply with new regulations. The programme is available here.

2022- 17 December: Promoting knowledge and rights of Arctic Indigenous Peoples through community-based monitoring.
Side-event under UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montreal 7 - 18 December 2022, organised by Council of Yukaghirs Elders, Yakutia; CSIPN, Russia and NORDECO, Denmark. More information at University of the Arctic website and the programme for the side event.

2022 - 15-16 December: Ocean Data Dojo workshop: Building competence in FAIR data management in marine and citizen science., Workshop No. 2 - Recommendation for improved data value chains. See agenda and presentations.

2022 - 29 November - 01 December: Workshop in Aasiaat, Greenland - "Towards 'good practice' in the use of local and scientific knowledge in natural resource management. The workshop is organised by NORDECO, University of Greenland, University of Copenhagen, NINA and the Qeqertalik Municipality. Final Programme in Greenlandic and English. One session will be an Arctic Practice System. A questionnaire was prepared to survey the requirements for such system in Greenland. The proceedings of the workshop is published.
More information about Aasiaat
2022 - 01 November: Ocean Data Dojo - Building competence in FAIR data management in marine research and citizen science. Workshop no. 1. In person workshop funded by Svalbard Science Forum under Research Council of Norway. Coordinator Torill Hamre, NERSC . See workshop programme and presentations

2022 - 13 October: Session at Arctic Circle: Less talk - more action: UN goals in the Arctic, Tools & games workshop organized by: Nordic Marine Think Tank, Denmark; University of Bergen, Norway; SINTEF Ocean, Norway; ARCT/SDGCARDS.NO, Norway. Preliminary programme

2022 - 12 October: OBPS workshop VI: Capacity sharing in Arctic Community-Based Monitoring. Session organised by CAPARDUS: Presentations and Summary

2022 - 10 October: Public seminar in Longyearbyen "Fremtidens Svalbard - nye og gamle muligheter", organised by Fridtjof Nansens Institute. CAPARDUS was represented by Hilde Fålun Strøm who made a summary of the presentations. The agenda is available.
2022 - August 06 - 09: Workshop at UNIS in Longyearbyen The workshop "Community-based monitoring and Citizen science" was organised in collaboration between NERSC and NIKU. Programme and presentations
From the excursion to Hiorthamn
2022 - March 31: CAPARDUS session at ASSW in Tromsø. The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2022 was organized from 26 March - 1 April 2022 in by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and co-hosted by UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) and The Research Council of Norway (RCN). The session was hybrid with ca 20 in-person participants and in total about 35. The agenda and the presentations are available
Thawing and coastal erosion in Alaska
2022 - January 13-14: Progress meeting - online event for the project partners A summary of the meeting and all presentations are found here.

2021 - November 12: Use of future analysis and Bayesian Belief Network models in Greenland A side event at Science Week in Nuuk, Greenland, organised by Martin R. Nielsen, Roel May, Birger Poppel as a joint event between CAPARDUS and FutureArcticLives. See here.

2021 - November 4: Interdisciplinary workshop - SSSI, NERSC and partners. Side-meeting to Svalbard Science Conference 2-3 Nov. 2021 Agenda and report are available

2021 - October 29-31: A Svalbard Social Science Initiative workshop was organised in Longyearbyen Agenda and report are available

2021 - September 20: CAPARDUS session at Ocean Best Practice System Workshop - Towards and Arctic Practices System.

2021 - March 24: Workshop on Cultural heritage sites in Svalbard, collaboration with the CULTCOAST project

2021 - February 21: Workshop on use of local knowledge in NAMMCO and other international bodies. Together with KNAPK (Association of Greenland Fishermen and Hunters), the CAPARDUS project organized a workshop to discuss the value of including resource users’ LK (local knowledge) in the activities of those international environmental agreements that are directly influencing the lives and livelihoods of Greenlandic and Arctic communities. More information found under workshops. NAMMCO is an intergovernmental organization providing advice on marine mammal management in the North Atlantic, where Norway, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are member countries.

2020 - February 3-4: Kickoff meeting in Copenhagen. All consortium partners attended the KO-meeting located at University of Copenhagen including the project officer from the Commission.