ASSW session: Community-based observing and citizen science – tools for participatory, sustainable development in the Arctic

The climate change and its consequences in the Arctic leads to new requirements for planning and decision-making based on scientific and economic data, assessments and predictions. A prerequisite for good planning is access to data and information of relevance to the operators in the Arctic. Community-Based Monitoring (CBM) and Citizen Science (CS) initiatives are evolving across the Arctic, providing complementary data to the scientific observing systems. CBM/CS systems are initiated by people who need specific environmental and climate information to support management of resources, local decision-making and safety of human activities. Despite significant progress, CBM and CS initiatives in the Arctic face challenges regarding: (1) operationalization of the CBM/CS systems, (2) sharing data, and interoperability, with scientific data systems, (3) efficient use of CBM/CS data in decision-making, and (4) establishing sustained funding. CAPARDUS will contribute to data management and best practices for CBM/CS systems as a collaborative effort between scientists, local communities and other stakeholder groups to support sustainable development. The session invites abstracts on present and planned CBM and CS activities in the circumpolar Arctic.

The list of presentations and the abstracts are attached

Vienna, during ASSW
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End date
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