Objectives: (1) Identify which local and international standards and best practices are essential as background for an APS, (2) Survey requirements for an APS suited to the needs of stakeholders in the cases studies and other projects, and (3) Synthesise the requirements and prepare a roadmap for APS.
WP6 leader and co-leader: Pier Luigi Buttigieg (AWI) and Jay Pearlman (IEEE)
The Arctic Practices System (APS) will build on the UNESCO/IOC Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS; www.oceanbestpractices.org), which was implemented to address similar challenges in the marine domain. The OBPS is hosting a forward-facing best practice management system in tune with standards in global ocean observing (e.g. linked to the Essential Ocean Variables). A similar system for the Arctic will be broader, more interdisciplinary and target a wider group of users. The APS will be designed from practices and methods of the local communities and other actors who will be involved in the project though the workshops and research schools (WP2-WP5).
- Task 6.1: Survey community needs for APS as they relate to Arctic practices and standards
- Task 6.2: Dialogue meetings and workshops with communities to identify needs and requirements for an APS
- Task 6.3: Synthesize recommendations into a roadmap for an APS