Workshop on Practices, Guidelines and Standards in Svalbard tourism development

The workshop is part of the CAPARDUS project which has focus on practices, guidelines and standards in topics of importance for people living and working in the Arctic. The topics addressed in the project include research activities, protection of nature and culture, shipping, tourism, resource exploitation, data sharing and safety of operations. This workshop has focus on tourism in Svalbard and how the tourist actors strive to develop a sustainable business and comply with new regulations.

Questions for discussion:

  • Identify existing practices, guidelines and standards used by tour operators and tourism businesses in Svalbard and the Arctic in general 
  • Which information sources are mostly used as background for planning tourist activities
  • Describe how policies and regulations regarding Svalbard tourism are developing 
  • How should an Arctic Practice System be designed, developed and maintained to be a useful tool for the tour operators and the local community in Svalbard ?
Longyearbyen, Polheim
Start date
End date
Document files