D1.1 Review of existing standards and frameworks relevant for the Arctic (delivered Nov 2020)

D1.2 Report on Arctic standards, protocols and framework model ( 31 May 2023, revised 22 Nov 2023)

D1.4 Scoping document for the project (delivered March 2020)

D1.5 Horizontal scan report (31 March 2023)

D1.1 Review of existing standards and frameworks

D1.2 Report on Arctic standards, protocols and framework model

D1.4 Scoping document

D1.5 Horizontal scan report



D2.1 Report on dialogues with Greenland actors (31 Oct 2022)

D2.2 Report on BBN model for halibut fisheries in Greenland (31 Oct 2022, revised 02 Nov 2023)

D2.3 Report from workshop in Aasiaat (31 May 2023) 

D2.4 Report on future scenarios for local communities in Greenland  (31 May 2023)

D2.1 Dialogue with Greenland actors

D2.2 Report on BNN model


D2.3 Report on workshop in Aasiaat

D2.4 Report on future scenarios






D3.1 Report from first workshop in Svalbard (31 Oct. 2022)

D3.2 Report from second workshop in Svalbard (31 May 2023)


D4.1 Report from work in local communities in Russia (31 January 2023)

D3.1 Report from first workshop in Svalbard

D3.2 Report from second workshop in Svalbard

D4.1 Report from CBM work in Russia






D5.1 Report from interviews with users in Alaska (31 Oct. 2022)

D5.2 Report from focus groups on CBM work (31 May 2023)

D6.1 Report on APS co-design work (31 Oct 2022)

D6.2 Design and roadmap for APS (31 May, revised 22 Nov 2023)

D7.1 Final Synthesis report  (31 May2023, revised 21 Nov 2023)

D5.1 Report from Alaska case study

D5.2 Report from focus groups

D6.1 Report on Arctic Practice System

D6.2 Design and Roadmap for an APS

D7.1 Final Synthesis Report


D8.1 Communication plan (Submitted March 2020, updated and resubmitted Nov 2021)

D8.2 Project website and dissemination material (Submitted March 2020, updated and resubmitted Nov 2021)

D8.3 Education material (31 Jan 2023)

D8.4 Final report on communication and outreach activities (31 May 2023)

D8.1 Communication plan

D8.2 Project website and dissemination material

D8.3 Education material

D8.4 Final report on communiction and outreach


D9.1 Project website

D9.2 Gender and Diversity Action Plan

D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation plan.

D9.4 Data Management Plan.

D9.1 Project management website

D9.2 Gender plan

D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation plan

D9.4 Data management plan